“In the Choice Between Good and Evil” - cnmppoiyo (2024)

“Mummy! Mummy!”

The little child cried as Luka carried her away to safety.

“It’s okay, little one. I’ll be right back,” promised Bayonetta.

With a little bit of witch magic, Bayonetta called forth her four firearms as she swayed her hips inside the portal to Purgatorio. Her mouth dropped into a mischievous smile. Bayonetta had just recovered from a fight with Jeanne on the Valkyrie, but she was itching to work up a sweat once more with one of Heaven’s little angels. Nothing like putting on a show after all. Little Cereza's faint cries were overlapped by the exhale and acoustics of the helicopter which flew over the witch’s head.

Though not quite as enormous as the other angels Bayonetta had faced before, Sapientia was huge. It emerged from the deep waters, revealing itself as a sublime porcelain-like angel shaped like a hideous reptile. He was studded with different kinds of jewels. And—like every Cardinal Virtue Bayonetta came across so far—this one loved to chit-chat about the five-hundred-year-old resurrection and how Bayonetta's mysterious stalker could not revive the creator. Sapientia mentioned the Witch Hunts, too, as well as how the town of Vigrid became a source of strength. However, Bayonetta was sick of hearing about the Eyes of the World at this point. The same old bedtime story had grown old to her and now she was considerably annoyed.

“Ugh, another talkative type,” grumbled Bayonetta, making a sizzling sound as she tapped her middle finger across her rear. “I don’t think I have time to entertain your blather. I much rather hear it straight from your boss.” Bayonetta munched on her strawberry-flavored lollipop, rolling her eyes inconsiderately at the data dump. Sapientia did not know when to stop talking.

“All that remains is awakening the Left Eye and uniting the eyes of the world, then the new era of creation shall arrive!”

It finally concluded its long, boring story.

At that moment, without warning or consideration, Sapientia’s thick claws attacked Bayonetta. Bayonetta thought fast though. The Umbran Witch sprang high into the air and landed on one of the many Valkyrie relics. After landing on a panel, Bayonetta surfed through the waves caused by the angel. Bayonetta was going to deliver some true wisdom for wasting her time. And so, another struggle with one of Paradiso's angels started, the pleasure of slicing her sword above the soaking, sinking battlegrounds making it all the more thrilling for Bayonetta. With its own hail of lasers, Sapientia began to bombard the witch, too.

Jeanne tried to flee the scene earlier around the same time Bayonetta fought the heavy opponent. She had to get out of there as soon as possible, but Jeanne could not help but be attracted by the other witch's fighting style. Jeanne was familiar with Bayonetta's combat—after all, it was not the first time they fought face-to-face, and they even had a minor confrontation moments ago—and she found herself rooting for her success from afar. Jeanne smirked, crossing her arms and noting how Sapienta was nothing against a witch like Bayonetta. Shortly after, the platinum witch used her crow within to soar to the top of a pole to observe better from above. The truth was, even Jeanne knew that Bayonetta was far more worthy than herself.

She never knew where her deep admiration came from. Well, she did, but she could not remember under Father Balder’s influence. All of Jeanne’s memories were blocked. And when she tried to remember beyond their few interactions, Jeanne met with a terrible headache. Her mind would fog up, and the Lumen Sage would have to put her back in her place. Jeanne could never be jealous because her only purpose, according to Father Balder, was to lead Bayonetta to her fate. Originally, the Left Eye of the World would have belonged to Jeanne, but she knew even five-hundred-years-ago that Bayonetta was more worthy. Like Father Balder said, she was only here to help the witch realize her true potential. That was all Jeanne was allowed to know.

“You were supposed to return to me for further orders.” There was a voice ringing inside Jeanne’s head again. “Well, that doesn’t matter now. Retrieve the child at once. Do not fail me again.” Jeanne was brought back to reality. The angelic voice vanished into the recesses of her mind, and she shook her head, trying to shake away any traces of Father Balder’s presence.

The platinum witch cast a quick look into the sky and saw a helicopter taking off quickly. For a moment, Jeanne's eyes flashed red in contrast to the gray sky, and then she smirked to herself. This would be easier than she had imagined. Without a second thought, Jeanne leaped, reaching for the skies, and her guns shot through the back door. She twisted around and slammed the door open with her feet pressed against it. Little Cereza jumped at the sudden sound. Luka also worried. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the door had been shattered to pieces. A wicked grin—followed by menacing footsteps—approached the co*ckpit. Luka quickly stepped in front of the young girl and shielded her, then signaled to Jeanne to back off with his right hand.

“Stay away!” Luka demanded.

Little Cereza’s eyes began to wet all over again as she hid behind Luka. She took a shy peak of the mean witch and realized Jeanne had no intentions of making this easier for either of them. Jeanne shoved—no, that would be an understatement because Luka went flying to the other end of the helicopter—the man out of the way and grabbed the little girl by the collar of her dress.

“NO! NOOO!” Cereza cried with a weak kick and punch.

“CEREZITA!” Luka yelled, barely holding onto one of the landing skids. “AGUANTA!”

Jeanne had now taken off with the child, but now, there was a problem…

Following Father Balder’s orders would soon prove to be difficult because Jeanne was hundreds and hundreds of feet up in the air surrounded by the ocean in every possible direction. How was she supposed to carry Little Cereza in these circ*mstances? Jeanne gave an undefeated grunt as she made a calculated hop on top of Sapientia’s distinctive head. She swiftly regained her balance so as not to fall into the water nor drop the child. Ceraza hugged the platinum witch closer as she was the most terrified of this scary situation. At that moment, they both looked below them and realized that Bayonetta had dominated the fight once again. Impressive. Now, Jeanne by no means was saying Bayonetta was perfect, but damn, she was one of a kind at this.

Most of Sapientia’s once angelic body had been destroyed and reduced to nothing but blood and guts and gore. He was severely injured, but continued to fight the witch as if it still had a chance against her. Despite being dismembered and ripped apart by Phantasmaraneae, one of Bayonetta's infernal demons, he fought with his skeletal body that closely resembled the insides of a machine. Sapientia proceeded to fire at Bayonetta with his lasers. But Bayonetta would always dodge at the perfect moment, activate her witch time, and deliver a powerful punch with wicked weaves. Once again, Jeanne was rooting for her to get rid of this filthy creature. Bayonetta raised her left leg while lying on the shattered platform. After enough damage had been caused, it was now time for the moment every witch had been waiting for: Summoning an infernal demon!

“CASASAMPIADPH!” The two heard the witch chant in Enochian, summoning Phantasmaraneae one last time.

Shivers rushed down Jeanne's spine as she gazed at the water and then at her feet. A big mistake. Jeanne had nearly forgotten she was standing above Sapientia who was currently attacking with its golden lasers. It attempted to shake Jeanne and Cereza off its back and into the dangerous waters. Two seconds later, Jeanne caught a glimpse of Bayonetta and the way her dark hair-covered garments revealed her skin and only a hint of her cleavage. Suddenly, a massive spider emerged from nearly thin air, spiraling around the tropical cyclone it had caused. Majority of its body was coated in hair, but then Phantasmaraneae summoned its little spider kids to devour the angel. Its eyes were red and hungry for more. The horrific struggle ended at last.


“Little one?” Bayonetta was caught off guard.


But at that moment, just as Bayonetta confirmed it was indeed Little Cereza calling out for help, she realized that Cereza was in none other than Jeanne’s hands. Where was Luka? He was supposed to care for Little Cereza! Didn’t he know it was too dangerous to let the child roam around? Either of them could have easily been hurt or killed by Sapientia had its creepy bullets with angel faces attacked them. Or what if they had fallen into the ocean and drowned? Then what? Bayonetta would not have been able to save them had she not noticed in time. Her expression was quick to anger in the middle of her fight, and Bayonetta knew she had to wrap up things quickly.

“Little one!” Bayonetta called out, reaching for her tiny hands. “Hand her over. Now.” Bayonetta aimed her gun, Parsley, at the platinum witch. Oh, she was mad. Oh, she was serious, too. Bayonetta did not take lightly the fact that Jeanne had originally called Sapientia for backup hours ago, and nearly killed Little Cereza in the military aircraft from earlier. Bayonetta still wanted to get back at the two for putting her life in danger. One had been successfully defeated, but now one annoying witch remained.

“I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Bayonetta,” smiled Jeanne with those big and juicy red lips of hers and rosy cheeks like peaches polished under the sun.

It would be stupid if Bayonetta tried to fight Jeanne right here and then as she could risk hurting the girl. If she saw even a scratch on Little Cereza, Bayonetta would make sure she paid the price. Cereza sat on Jeanne’s left arm, watching as her captor also held out a gun of her own, pointed right in between Bayonetta’s eyes. The two women looked at one another with fury and hatred burning in their eyes. Jeanne really did not want to fight the witch again, but she would do so if it meant Bayonetta finally realized her true potential.

“You don’t know when to quit, do you?” Bayonetta asked.

“Something like that,” replied Jeanne.

Unfortunately, Jeanne had to let go of the child. The tropical tycoon came to an end. She tossed Cereza, who was now flying through the air, screaming and pleading for her mother to help her. She was headed straight down for the blue seas. With her hair cascading down her slim figure, Bayonetta was fast to the rescue. Her motherly instincts refused to let any harm come to a child, particularly to one whom she had become attached to. Bayonetta swiftly changed into a black crow—the wind waving her red ribbon in the air—before flying into the sky and transforming into a powerful panther. Cereza landed on her furry back, and she grabbed tightly around her neck.

“Are you okay?” Bayonetta transformed back and scanned the child’s face for any signs of hurt.

“I was scared, mummy!” The younger one sobbed, but was immediately hushed.

Now the bigger question was: Where the hell did Jeanne go? Bayonetta searched the immediate area for any signs of the platinum witch, but it was almost as if she disappeared into thin air. It did not matter. As long as Cereza was out of harm’s way and Jeanne could not hold her anymore, Bayonetta did not care where Jeanne was.

Little Cereza pointed into the deep sea.


It came as a surprise to both of them that the platinum witch was… drowning? Jeanne’s body was sinking and sinking by the second, and she seemed to be unresponsive. Well, Bayonetta could not just stand around and do nothing. Even if Jeanne was a witch she could not trust for the time being—and even kidnapped Little Cereza two times now—Jeanne was a fellow Umbran Sister who could not die a humiliating death. Without hesitation, Bayonetta threw herself into the dangerous ocean and swam deep down. Even Little Cereza held her breath in disbelief that her mother would risk her life for the enemy. Bayonetta could not hold her breath for that long. She reached out her long arm, hoping to reach Jeanne’s drowning body. In that unexpected moment, Bayonetta’s body began to glow white, and before she even knew what was going on, Bayonetta transformed into a vicious snake who managed to wrap itself around Jeanne and pull her out.

Gasp. Little Cereza gasped when the snake transformed back to a familiar face. But now was not the time to admire the fact Bayonetta had unlocked a new beast within form.

Bayonetta looked down at Jeanne's pallid face. Her red glasses were noticeably gone from the top of her head, and Jeanne’s suit was dripping wet. Bayonetta gently shook her shoulders.


No response.

“Jeanne!” Bayonetta's tone was one of panic.

Luka swung in out of nowhere as he typically did, and landed a couple feet away from the urgent scene unfolding in front of him.

“Woah, what the… What happened here? Is everyone okay?”

“I’m fine, Chesire, but she…”

The witch gently titled Jeanne’s silver head back and hesitated for a moment to seal her mouth over hers. Bayonetta was only doing this to save her Umbran Sister’s life. Nothing more. She pinched her nose and blew into the latter’s mouth for a couple seconds, watching as Jeanne’s chest began to rise. There was still hope for Jeanne. Bayonetta blew into her mouth a second time before lifting her chin and repeating her breath. Luka and Little Cereza watched in anticipation from afar, hoping it would not be the end so soon for what they imagined used to be Bayonetta’s companion. After attempting some rescue breaths, the next step in CPR was to give Jeanne some chest compressions. Desperately, the heel of Bayonetta’s hand rested on Jeanne's chest, while the other hand was placed on top. Jeanne eventually coughed out some salty water.

In that awkward moment, Jeanne’s blue eyes fluttered open and pushed away the older witch.

“Did you… Did you just try to kiss me?”

Even Little Cereza, Bayonetta, and Luka sensed something was not quite right about the witch. It seemed as though Jeanne's personality changed, as though a spell had momentarily worn off, leaving the poor woman confused and quite innocent. Jeanne desperately wrapped her arms around Bayonetta as Father Balder's mind control temporarily proved ineffective against her. Jeanne knew this, and with what little freedom she had, she used it all to protect Bayonetta. Father Balder tried to regain control over Jeanne's thoughts, but she resisted.

“I was saving your life,” replied Bayonetta before being cut off by Jeanne.

“Cereza…” Jeanne mumbled, her head feeling disoriented. “Cereza…”

“What?” Bayonetta turned to Little Cereza, unsure what Jeanne meant by that.

“I think your ex-girlfriend drank enough salt water,” Luka shrugged off the situation. “What could she possibly want with Cerezita?”

Originally, Bayonetta wanted to refute that claim—they were not ex-girlfriends—but then a startling memory came back to her, fitting the puzzle piece perfectly, and then she started to remember…

━━━━━ ★★★ ━━━

Jeanne stealthily made her way into prison in search of the forbidden witch. Locked behind a padded prison cell, the Umbran Witch known as Cereza rested against the old walls, watching the full moon be her only companion that night. Her old rags barely kept her warm that cool hour, but it was nothing Cereza couldn’t handle. Cereza admired the bright beauty until a familiar face covered the view. Jeanne looked down at Cereza, her hands on her lips, and a small smile plastered all over. The other witch could not help but grin back in surprise even though the darkness likely concealed her excitement.

“I haven’t forgotten about you, Cereza,” the witch with the space buns grabbed the metal bars.

Cereza stood back up and wrapped a hand over Jeanne’s fist, smirking as they were eye-to-eye. Jeanne was covered in red cloth and elegance. She revealed a key she had hidden under her sleeves and began to fidget with them on the tip of her pointer finger. Those keys had belonged to the Umbran Elder, but of course, Jeanne had taken them when nobody was looking. Carefully—without a sound—Jeanne freed her best friend. Cereza happily twirled around under the moon’s kiss. She raised her chin and felt all the love of the white blur against her skin. Freedom. This was freedom even if it would only be for a couple moments. Cereza adjusted her butterfly shaped frames before glancing over her shoulder, admiring Jeanne.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” blushed Jeanne. “Follow me.”

The young witches fled the scene, running through the village and past the barren fields located atop the mountains. Upon that same mountain, the Crescent Valley—a sacred training ground for Umbran Witches like Cereza and Jeanne—was located. Well, Cereza was never allowed on the premises. As a forbidden witch, Cereza was not allowed to practice the dark arts nor make contact with her own kind. But clearly neither were disciplined nor cared for the rules imposed by the clan because Jeanne would take Cereza here whenever she could. They would freely train here under the moonlight, just the two of them.

The truth was: No other Umbran Witch was a match for Jeanne. The young platinum witch needed a challenge, not a warm up from her weak peers. Cereza was the perfect candidate. She was strong, worthy, and most importantly above all, beautiful in Jeanne’s eyes. Jeanne believed a witch like Bayonetta should take advantage of her potential and not let it waste away which was one of the reasons they would practice in the Crescent Valley. Cereza finally unveiled herself in the moonlight, flaunting her perfect skin and tender grey eyes. By now, she was ready for their training session tonight. Jeanne had also anticipated this.

What made this time different from other times? Cereza did not know. But she did sense Jeanne was up to something, and she was ready to find out.

“Catch!” Jeanne snickered as she threw Cereza a katana sword. “Show me what you’ve learned. And don’t hold back against me, Cereza.” She dared with a small, indomitable smirk perched on her lips, and Jeanne settled on the round of Cereza's eye which was that kind of gray color that could not be washed away.

Cereza nodded, catching the katana in the air. “I can only hope you’ll be able to keep up, Jeanne.”

“Try me!” The other laughed. “We are not defined by our power, but how we use it.”

Ready or not, Jeanne launched into their little conflict. Above the dark skies, they engaged in combat. Well, under the soft light of the moon, it felt more like a dance between Cereza and Jeanne. They moved quickly and gracefully, using their katanas with precision. Every metallic collision resonated throughout the Crescent Valley, and whenever they could, they would exchange fierce smiles. Cereza's heart raced, her senses heightened by the excitement rushing through her blood. Or perhaps it was Jeanne's stunning beauty and charm? She couldn't help but admire her lovely figure and how her red outfit fit perfectly around her curvy waist. It was as if the night itself had invented Jeanne's aesthetic, and Cereza was instantly captivated.

“Hey, I said don’t hold back!” Jeanne noticed Cereza slowly losing her pace.

As their blades impacted once more, Cereza ignored her distractions and concentrated on the task at hand. She returned Jeanne's strikes with equal force. Cereza was stronger, and her moves were fluid and deliberate. With each clash, she felt the weight of her Umbran powers surge through her.

Jeanne was also unrelenting. Jeanne, however, saw more in Cereza than just a warrior or a witch. Something more caught her eye. A connection sparked in Jeanne that overshadowed even the stars in the night sky. A simmer of tension developed. With every heartbeat, they sensed the very essence of their desire. Neither witch was able to shake the sensation; it was a spark of something more profound than friendship that flared within them like the flames of a forbidden passion.

Round after round after round, Cereza won some battles, Jeanne won some others. This was exactly the kind of challenge she had been hoping for ever since she developed her abilities. Cereza and Jeanne took a break and sat in the center of the battlefield, watching as the stars accompanied them above. Now would be a great time to tell Cereza exactly how she felt. Jeanne gathered all her courage and turned to her friend.

“There’s something I have to tell you, Cereza,” huffed Jeanne as she retired her katana.

But Cereza put a soft finger over her best friend’s lips and hushed her.

“Don’t tell me. I already know.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, but tell me once you’ve gained the Left Eye, once you have freed me. I’ll be waiting.”

That might not be possible. Though Cereza was obviously the more deserving witch to have claimed the Left Eye, Jeanne made a promise to her close friend. Unable to wait any longer, Jeanne leaned in and closed her eyes, wanting to kiss Cereza's velvety lips and show her the kind of love she deeply deserved. But it all happened inside her head. She would just have to wait until that day. Cereza eventually had to go back to her cell so that no one would find out she was missing…

━━━ ★★★ ━━━━━

Okay, so maybe there was some truth behind Luka’s words. They weren’t ex-girlfriends, but they had to have been something more back in the day. Except Bayonetta could not figure the exact meaning behind this new revelation. If they liked one another, why couldn’t they be together? Why did Jeanne call her by the little child’s name? If only Bayonetta had an exact answer for her worries and concerns.

Bayonetta realized that Jeanne’s eyes glimmered red before the color eventually faded and returned back to the blue they were. Jeanne stood up and suddenly had purpose again. Before running away, she looked over her shoulder and looked at Bayonetta with a glare in her annoyed look.

“Why did you save me?” Jeanne began. “You saved my life just now. Even after everything…”

Luka got the helicopter ready and watched from the co*ckpit. Little Cereza was with him, too, waiting for Bayonetta to hop on already.

“Because…” Bayonetta smiled and tried not to be too cheeky behind her reasoning. And she answered, just as Jeanne had once taught her before, saying, “Because we are not defined by our power, but how we use it in the choice between good and evil.”

“In the Choice Between Good and Evil” - cnmppoiyo (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.